Physical education

Your teacher uses some time this vocabulary in some lesson.
It is very important for you o know it, so you can understand the lessons.

Come here, please: You must go where the teacher is and form in a semi-circle.
Silence, please: Do not speak
Please, stay put: You must not make noise and you must not move.
Be quiet: Do not shout or speak loud
Pay attention: Look to your teacher an listen to what he says.
To blow the whistle: The teacher makes a noise with the whistle so you pay attention.

1. They are very important to describe all the exercises we do in class:

To stand: estar de peus
To sit: sentar-se
To lie: estirar-se
To walk: caminar
To run: córrer 
To sprint: córrer ràpid
To slow down: anar mes a poc a poc
To hurry up: donar-se presa
 To chase: perseguir
To follow: seguir
To tilt: inclinar-se
To turn: girar-se
To bend: doblegar-se
To pass: passar
To receive: rebre
To throw: llançar
To carry  (or to transport): transportar
To steal: robar (stealing tails game)
To push: empenya
To pull: tirar (de una cosa)
To form a line: formar una fila
To form a semi-circle: formar un semi-cercle
To form pairs: fer parelles
To form groups of three/four... : fer grups de 3 o 4 persones.

Prepositions are also very important to describe movements. Here  you have some examples:

Roll the mouse over the different parts of the body you must know: